Keep Your Foot on the Gas

Everyone knows that losing weight takes time.  It’s not something that you can decide to do and it just happens after a few minutes on a treadmill.  It’s the application of constant pressure to your muscles that makes them stronger.  And that constant pressure makes your body start to burn its fat reserves – thus […]

Traffic From Misspelled Domains

On most SEO-related blogs, you’re usually served with worn out, used up tips.  By the time you hear about the things that really make a website pop, or some newfound traffic method, they’re out of date.  This makes sense, I mean, when John Smith SEO finds out about some great traffic generator or tweak, he’d […]

You’re Doing it Wrong

“Know your enemy” – Sun Tzu in The Art of War If you use Twitter to promote your business (and you should), you are already ahead of most businesses in your industry.  Twitter is a great tool, if you can leverage it correctly.  Unfortunately, I see a lot of businesses using Twitter in ways that, […]