Thanks for visiting my website. Since you’re here, I’m going to go ahead and assume a few things about you.
You probably:
- own or manage a business
- see your competitors at the top of Google when you search for your product or service
- have a website that never did anything but cost you money
- don’t update your website often, if ever
- want to know how to get your business at the top of search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing
How close was I? I’m betting several of those things, if not all, are true.
Why Doesn’t My Website Show Up in Google?
Remember watching The Field of Dreams and hearing the phrase “If You Build it, They Will Come“? It’s a great phrase, but in the Internet world, it’s not true. Simply creating a website and putting it online isn’t enough – you need visitors to the site, too.
You Can Get There
I’m not going to waste a bunch of room on this page about what I do or who I am. What I can tell you is that I understand how you feel – you see your competitors ranking at the top of Google for your industry and you’re frustrated because you can’t seem to get there yourself.
But you can get there. And lucky for you, that’s just what partnering with me will accomplish. You can be at the top – getting more visitors, leads and ultimately new customers.
But My Competitors…!
The interesting thing about SEO is – not everyone is doing it. And certainly not the big names. I’ve helped some really small businesses outrank some really big businesses for major searches. How would you like to be a Mom & Pop store that’s pulling in over 65,000 visitors a month to their website? With my help, that’s just what one local St Louis business is doing – and you can do, too.
Starting the Process
There are a couple of ways you can get started with SEO.
- Contact Me
Give me a call (314-514-5SEO), fill out the form on the contact page, or shoot me an email. Let’s start a conversation around your business, your goals, and how I can help you get there. - Attend one of my SEO classes
Every month I teach at least one class on an SEO topic for small business owners. You can also find me speaking about SEO at various business events around Saint Louis. I’d love to see you at one! - Teach Yourself Some SEO Basics
A lot of the presentations I do have also been put into webinar and video format for immediate download. These webinars are a great way to learn how SEO can help your business – and you can watch them on your own time! - Get an SEO Evaluation
Already know you need to get started, and want to jump in head first? An SEO audit is a great way to show you just what’s wrong with your website, and just what’s right from a search engine’s standpoint. You’ll find out just what the search engines like and don’t like about your website.
Want to Do It Yourself?
There are many business owners that have the time, computer skills and drive to do their own SEO, all they need is the know-how.  I applaud these business owners for really diving in and learning more about growing their business.  If this is you, I invite you to check out my DIY SEO section – where you can download videos, webinars and find information on classes I teach.
I would like to figure out have to attract and retain new business without doing as much face-to-face marketing.