SEO Seminar ‘Failure’ – Lessons Learned

For four years I’ve taught HTML, Blogging, Internet marketing classes and more at the local branch of the public library here in my town.  Over the years, I’ve fine-tuned my classes into two hours of jam-packed information.  I’ve received “rave” reviews since I started, and have been told many times that I need to get […]

The First Steps to Getting Your Business Online

When a business owner decides that they need to get online, often times they ask their friends, clients and customers what it is that they “do” online.  Since the popular thing right now is Twitter, I’d venture to guess that a good amount of tech-savvy customers would suggest that the biz owner jump onto the […]

You’re Doing it Wrong

“Know your enemy” – Sun Tzu in The Art of War If you use Twitter to promote your business (and you should), you are already ahead of most businesses in your industry.  Twitter is a great tool, if you can leverage it correctly.  Unfortunately, I see a lot of businesses using Twitter in ways that, […]

SEO Isn’t an Expense, It’s an Investment

Many business owners see SEO and related services as an expense instead of an investment.  This line of short term thinking has long plagued many a SEO business. So what can the average SEO do about it?  Well, we can educate them (assuming they are willing to listen).  We can show them case studies.  We […]

Out of Creative Blog Post Ideas?

From time to time we endure slumps where we can’t think of anything to blog about.  Every writer has ‘writers block’ and it’s no fun.  If you can’t think of anything to write, let me help. My regular readers know I’m a fan of Google alerts, and here’s another great usage. First, a little background.  […]

Getting to Second Base with a Small Business

Many small businesses are clueless about Internet Marketing – particularly smaller Mom & Pop businesses.  For many (and in some cases many many may) years, marketing meant spending money on a Yellow Pages ad and perhaps sponsoring a local baseball team or getting a booth at the Home & Garden Show.  These things may still […]

Keep Up or Get Out

When I started web design back in 1997, I dove in head first, creating cheesy animation-full websites.  It was fun, we all did it. As time progressed, and I started getting clients, I’d need to be a bit more creative, so I’d simply look for another website in the clients’ industry (but in a different […]

Paying to Have Your Website Submitted to the Search Engines – The Truth

I stumbled across another website design company today and did a little snooping around. Sure enough, three pages deep in their list of services they listed “Search Engine Submission”. Excellent. Truth is, there is no need to ever pay someone to submit your website to any search engine. Think about it – search engines make […]

SEO is Dead in St. Louis

There’s a very huge untapped SEO market in St. Louis. It’s sitting just under the surface, waiting to boil over. Can you find it? Every time a potential client from the Saint Louis area calls me, I’m honestly baffled by the lack of SEO – both on their part and that of their competitors. I […]

Five More Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Ranking

As a followup to my first post Five Things You Can Do to Your Website Right Now to Achieve Higher Rankings I thought I’d give you another five. Hopefully you’ve already done those, and you’re ready for a few more. Here goes: Add a meta description tag to your home page Really you should add […]