If I Were A…St. Louis Dentist

Today is part one of a series called “If I Were A…” – in which I’ll take various professions throughout the Saint Louis area and show just what I’d do from an online strategy perspective.  First up – a dentist. Prerequisites There are some assumptions we’ve got to make here.  The dentist should already have: […]

Lost and Found – 7 Steps Showing Why Found is Better

The following is a post by Tim Biden. Tim runs an SEO firm based in Los Angeles, California.  His contact info is at the end of today’s post – make sure you check out his website and follow him on the Twitter! So you have a website but you’re not seeing the business roll in […]

Interview with Russ Henneberry from Tiny & Mighty

As part of a new series, I’m going to be doing interviews with local (Saint Louis area) industry leaders that are using social media and other forms of SEM to increase their overall business revenue and objectives.  This week I’m interviewing Russ Henneberry, owner of Tiny Business, Mighty Profits. Russ Henneberry writes and speaks about […]

Getting to Second Base with a Small Business

Many small businesses are clueless about Internet Marketing – particularly smaller Mom & Pop businesses.  For many (and in some cases many many may) years, marketing meant spending money on a Yellow Pages ad and perhaps sponsoring a local baseball team or getting a booth at the Home & Garden Show.  These things may still […]

SEO is Dead in St. Louis

There’s a very huge untapped SEO market in St. Louis. It’s sitting just under the surface, waiting to boil over. Can you find it? Every time a potential client from the Saint Louis area calls me, I’m honestly baffled by the lack of SEO – both on their part and that of their competitors. I […]

Five Things You Can Do to Your Website Right Now to Achieve Higher Rankings

Most people hire a web designer based on a very fragile set of criteria, mostly because they have very little knowledge of the design process or industry.  Since about 95% of “web designers” don’t understand the marketing side of web design, they fail to realize that they are not helping their clients by ‘doing what […]